Get to your best life more quickly by being crystal clear about what you truly desire.
Get to your best life more quickly by being crystal clear about what you truly desire.
1. Aiming for a specific income amount, such as a million dollars, without clear reasons or purpose can be counterproductive.
2. Listing what is important in life and determining the cost in money and time can help set attainable income goals.
3. Setting attainable income goals that align with desired experiences and goals can allow you to enjoy a fulfilling life while also having room for growth.
4. Setting goals too high can lead to stagnation and being unwilling or unable to take necessary steps in between.
5. ​Being open to learning, coaching, delegating, and focusing on the best tasks can aid in achieving income goals.
What if aiming lower could get you to achieve the goals you most desire?
So many people set income goals that are very high, and sometimes these goals are so high that they lead us to overachieve to aim for something that's too far. And we spend forever for five years, 10 years, 20 years aiming for a huge jump in income, but we never make the small incremental jumps. I remember a time in my career. I always wanted to hit a million dollars and I was always looking for, how do I make a million? How do I make a million? How do I make a million? And every goal I had was focused around that. And I was only considering the things that would make me a million dollars and I was putting aside any other goal that would help me make progress. Years later, I was still aiming at a million dollars. I didn't even know why I was aiming for it. I just heard it was a good number. It sounded like a nice round pretty number. And I figured it would make me happy.
Beware of the infinite income goal. When I work with customers, a lot of them will tell me that they want to make as much money as possible. That's a lot like a child saying they want to eat as much ice cream as possible. They don't know how much will make them happy. So just more, more, more. That's basically an oversimplified definition of addiction. When we just say more will make me happier. I just want more. I'm not sure why I want more.
To simplify this, list what you most want out of life. Simply take out a pen and a piece of paper and write down. These are the things that are important to me, and this is how much it costs in money and time for me to do these things. So I might need money to go on the vacation and I might also need time off to enjoy the vacation. And then if you add amounts for taxes, emergency savings, any other goals, you have retirement goals or setting aside money for retirement. You can reasonably set an income goal that is attainable or doable at a first level of awesomeness. And then you can grow from there, but it does you no good to continue aiming for something that's so far out of your reach that you miss the chance to build those steps in between.
If you can earn your desired income in the least amount of time and create the time to enjoy your life. You can have more experiences. You can enjoy a pace that most people don't get to enjoy until they're either retired or unless they're children have their parents supporting them. There might not be a need for more income for you to live the life you most desire. Once you live the life you most desire, then go ahead and scale it. Make more money and in every step, be open to learning, to being coached, to grow, to delegate, to focus on your best tasks. Those things always help. But on one hand while it can be really exciting to set huge goals. Sometimes we can set them so high. That we don't allow ourselves to take the natural steps And we stagnate we stay stuck at a place for a long period of time because we're only willing to experience something at a certain level we're only willing to receive if it looks exactly the way we want as big as we want And we're often unwilling or unable to make the necessary steps in between.
I hope you find this helpful If you have any questions or thoughts on this please let me know as always i look forward to helping you impact more people and make more money in less time do what you do best So you can fully enjoy your family your friends your freedom and your life Going out there and make the money you need to make enjoy your life and scale it from there but make sure it every step of the way you're enjoying the process and you're enjoying the journey.
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